Selected Publications

Argentieri et al. (2024). Proteomic aging clock predicts mortality and risk of common age-related diseases in diverse populations. Nature Medicine. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39117878.

Alvergne, Kountourides, Argentieri et al. (2023). A retrospective case-control study on menstrual cycle changes following COVID-19 vaccination and disease. iScience. 26(4):106401. PMID: 36987520.

Ngo, Argentieri et al. (2021). Plasma protein expression profiles, cardiovascular disease, and religious struggles among South Asians in the MASALA study. Scientific Reports. 11(1): 961. PMID: 33441605.

Spence, Argentieri et al. (2019). Advancing cancer care and prevention in the Caribbean: a survey of strategies for the region. Lancet Oncology. 20(9): E522–E534. PMID: 31395471.

Argentieri et al. (2017). Epigenetic Pathways in Human Disease: The Impact of DNA Methylation on Stress-Related Pathogenesis and Current Challenges in Biomarker Development. EBioMedicine. 18: 327–350. PMID: 28434943.

Current preprints

Argentieri et al. (2023). Integrating the environmental and genetic architectures of mortality and aging. medRxiv.

Goeminne LJE, Eames A, Tyshkovskiy A, Argentieri MA, Ying K, Moqri M, Gladyshev VN (2024). Plasma-based organ-specific aging and mortality models unveil diseases as accelerated aging of organismal systems. medRxiv.

All publications

17. Argentieri MA, Xiao S, Bennett D, Winchester L, Nevado-Holgado AJ, Ghose U, Albukhari A, Yao P, Mazidi M, Lv J, Millwood I, Fry H, Rodosthenous RS, Partanen J, Zheng Z, Kurki M, Daly, MJ, Palotie A, Adams CJ, Li L, Clarke R, Amin N, Chen Z, van Duijn CM. Proteomic aging clock predicts mortality and risk of common age-related diseases in diverse populations. Nature Medicine. 2024. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39117878.

16. Alvergne A, Kountourides G, Argentieri MA, Agyen L, Rogers N, Knight D, Sharp GC, Maybin JA, Olszewska Z. A retrospective case-control study on menstrual cycle changes following COVID-19 vaccination and disease. iScience. 2023; 26(4):106401. PMID: 36987520.

15. Shields AE, Zhang Y, Argentieri MA, Warner ET, Cozier YC, Liu C, Dye CK, Kent BV, Baccarelli AA, Palmer JR. Stress and Spirituality in relation to HPA Axis Gene Methylation among U.S. Black Women: Results from the BWHS and SSSH. Epigenomics. 2021; 13(21):1711-1734. PMID: 34726080.

14. Lock M*, Argentieri MA*, Shields AE. The contribution of ethnography to epigenomics research: Toward a new bio-ethnography for addressing health disparities. Epigenomics. 2021; 13(21):1771- 1786. PMID: 33653089. *Co-first authors.

13. Schachter AB, Argentieri MA, Seddighzadeh B, Oluwaseyi I, Kent BV, Trevvett P, McDuffie M, Mandel L, Pargament KI, Underwood L, McCray AT, Shields AE. R|S Atlas: identifying existing cohort study data resources to accelerate epidemiological research on the influence of religion and spirituality on human health. BMJ Open. 2021; 11(10):e043830. PMID: 34697108.

12. Warner ET, Kent BV, Zhang Y, Argentieri MA, Rowatt W, Pargament K, Koenig HG, Underwood L, Cole SA, Daviglus ML, Kanaya AM, Palmer JP, Huang T, Blais MA, Shields AE. The Study on Stress, Spirituality, and Health (SSSH): Psychometric Evaluation and Initial Validation of the SSSH Baseline Spirituality Survey. Religions. 2021; 2(3): 150. doi:10.3390/rel12030150.

11. Ngo LH, Argentieri MA, Dillon ST, Kent BV, Kanaya AM, Shields AE, Libermann TA. Plasma protein expression profiles, cardiovascular disease, and religious struggles among South Asians in the MASALA study. Scientific Reports. 2021; 11(1): 961. PMID: 33441605.

10. Argentieri MA, Seddighzadeh B, Philbrick SN, Balboni TA, Shields AE. A Roadmap for Conducting Psychosocial Research in Epidemiological Studies: Perspectives of Cohort Study Principal Investigators. BMJ Open. 2020; 10(7): e037235. PMID: 32723742.

9. Stoltenberg M, Spence D, Daubman BR, Greaves N, Edwards R, Bromfield B, Perez-Cruz PE, Krakauer EL, Argentieri MA, Shields AE. The Central Role of Provider Training in Implementing Resource-Stratified Guidelines for Palliative Care in LMICs: Lessons from the Jamaica Cancer Care and Research Institute (JACCRI) in the Caribbean and Universidad Católica in Latin America. Cancer. 2020; 126: 2448–2457. PMID: 32348569.

8. Spence N, Farvid MS, Warner ET, VanderWeele TJ, Tworoger SS, Argentieri MA, Shields AE. Religious Service Attendance, Religious Coping, and Risk of Hypertension in Women Participating in the Nurses’ Health Study II. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2019; 189(3): 193–203. PMID: 31595952.

7. Spence D, Dyer R, Andall-Brereton G, Barton M, Stanway S, Argentieri MA, Bray F, Cawich S, Edwards-Bennett S, Fosker C, Gabriel O, Greaves N, Hanchard B, Hospedales J, Luciani S, Martin D, Nimrod, M, Ragin C, Simeon D, Tortolero-Luna G, Wharfe G, Sarfati D. Cancer control in the Caribbean island countries and territories: some progress but the journey continues. Lancet Oncology. 2019; 20(9): E503–E521. PMID: 31395473.

6. Spence D, Argentieri MA, Andall-Bereton G, Anderson BO, Bodkyn C, Bray F, Duggan C, Gibson T, Garcia WG, Greaves N, Gupta S, Hobday V, McLean F, Mery L, Nimrod M, Ocho O, Quee-Brown CS, Tortollero G, Shields AE. Advancing Cancer Care and Prevention Strategies in the Caribbean: A Survey of Promising Strategies in the Region. Lancet Oncology. 2019; 20(9): E522–E534. PMID: 31395471.

5. Spence D, Argentieri MA, Greaves N, Cox K, Chin SN, Munroe M, Watson G, Harewood H, Shields AE. Palliative Care in the Caribbean Through the Lens of Women with Breast Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities. Current Breast Cancer Reports. 2018; 10(3): 157–169. doi:10.1007/s12609-018-0280-0.

4. Cozier YC, Yu J, Wise LA, VanderWeele TJ, Balboni T, Argentieri MA, Rosenberg L, Palmer JR, Shields AE. Religious and Spiritual Coping and Risk of Incident Hypertension in the Black Women’s Health Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2018; 52(12): 989–998. PMID: 30418522.

3. Argentieri MA. Embodiment and Ontologies of Inequality in Medicine: Towards an Integrative Understanding of Disease and Health Disparities. Body & Society. 2018; 24(3): 125–152. doi:10.1177/1357034X17746468.

2. VanderWeele TJ, Yu J, Cozier YC, Wise L, Argentieri MA, Rosenberg L, Palmer JR, Shields AE. Attendance at Religious Services, Prayer, Religious Coping, and Religious/Spiritual Identity as Predictors of All-Cause Mortality in the Black Women's Health Study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017; 185(7): 515–522. PMID: 28338863.

1. Argentieri MA, Nagarajan S, Seddighzadeh B, Baccarelli AA, Shields AE. Epigenetic Pathways in Human Disease: The Impact of DNA Methylation on Stress-Related Pathogenesis and Current Challenges in Biomarker Development. EBioMedicine. 2017; 18: 327–350. PMID: 28434943.